Cool Sleep 101: Beat the Heatwave! #shorts

Cool Sleep 101: Beat the Heatwave! #shorts


It's hot outside and those hot summer Nights might be good for drinks on a Porch or a bonfire with friends but they Can wreak havoc on your sleep so to get Your best sleep when it's this dang hot Out follow these tips first use a fan Air conditioner or open your window just Do whatever you can to get the air Moving through your room second close Your blinds and windows during the peak Afternoon heat third stay as hydrated as Possible throughout the day fourth take A lukewarm bath or shower before bed or If you're really Brave take a cold Shower or bath to really cool down your Body temperature fifth try sleeping Naked with just a thin top sheet finally Freeze a towel or pillowcase then wrap It around your neck or lay it on your Pillow at bedtime for more tips on how To sleep cool head over to