5 Tips You Must Do to AVOID Sleeping Hot

5 Tips You Must Do to AVOID Sleeping Hot

You may have experienced this before…

Either when summer comes around or you go somewhere warm for a nice relaxing vacation. You’re outside and you’re enjoying the sun and the heat on your face. But then night falls… and the heat doesn’t go away!

Sure, when you’re cold, you can add more blankets, but when you’re too hot? There’s only so many layers you can remove!

So let’s get into what the ideal temperature for sleep is and on these hot summer nights, what you can do to best cool you down.

0:00 The Best Temperature for Sleep
1:06 How the Body Regulates Temperature
1:52 How Temperature Affects Sleep
2:33 How to Cool Down On Hot Nights

For more information, check out Sleep Foundation’s page on The Best Temperature for Sleep:


You may have experienced this before Either when summer comes around or you Go somewhere warm for a nice relaxing Vacation you're outside and you're Enjoying the sun and the heat on your Face but the night falls and the heat Doesn't go away sure when you're cold You can add more blankets but when You're too hot there's only so many Layers you can remove and while sleeping Naked may help on a hot night the Discomfort will stick around literally So let's get into what the ideal Temperature for sleep is and on these Hot summer nights what you can do to Best cool you down a cool room Temperature is key to getting a good Night's sleep since the human body is Generally around 98 degrees Fahrenheit The best bedroom temperature for sleep Is between 60 to 67 degrees Fahrenheit This is because our circadian rhythm Which tells the brain during the day to Feel alert and raise your temperature at Night we'll tell the brain to release Melatonin and drop your core temperature A cool room temperature will encourage This natural change and likewise Encourage falling asleep faster however I should mend mentioned that newborns More sensitive to temperature May Benefit from a room just one or two Degrees warmer for the body to keep this Low core temperature thermoregulation

Starts as soon as you fall asleep your Muscles relax and the body begins Vasodilation where blood vessels widen To increase blood flow and send heat Away from your core other means of Thermoregulation include perspiration When you sweat to help cool down the Skin radiation when body heat transfers To your blankets in bed and convection When cooler air in the room is cooler And pulls heat away from your body this Is why poking your feet out of the Covers at night can significantly change How hot or how cold you feel but an Overheated room makes all of these less Effective and while a room that's too Hot and one that's too cold are both Uncomfortable heat not only inhibits Your body's natural cool down but comes With other risks like heat stroke Exhaustion cramps and rash even if You've finally fallen asleep heat may Continue to disrupt the stages of the Sleep Cycle during the first two stages You are more sensitive to 10 temperature Changes and are far more likely to wake Up if you feel hot in the third sleep Stage a higher core body temperature can Decrease the amount of time spent in Restorative deep sleep and then during REM sleep the brain not only restricts Muscle movement but also restricts that Necessary thermoregulation like sweating In addition to feeling sleepy the next

Day missing out on sleep can also impact Your immune system physical health blood Pressure and things like memory learning And mood and because of this it's Important to know some cooling tips and Tricks before the weather heats up tip Number one turn down the thermostat at Night or use a fan or air conditioner to Lower your room temperature opening the Windows can also help ventilation but if Your bedroom is on a higher level try Sleeping downstairs where the air may be Cooler and less stuffy 2. draw the Curtains and close the blinds when Temperatures peak in the afternoon to Start limiting the amount of sunlight That gets in blackout curtains are Particularly effective at keeping Bedrooms cool in the summer three don't Exercise too close to bed while exercise During the day is great activity late at Night can cause your body temperature to Spike and make it more difficult to fall Asleep 4. stay hydrated throughout the Day and try to eat foods high in water Content like fruits and vegetables and If it's still hot in the evening sipping Ice water can help you feel cool before Going to bed 5. taking a lukewarm bath Or shower before bed will encourage a Natural chill when you step out of the Water and your body adapts to the air Around it even a cold foot bath can make You feel significantly cooler 6. freeze

Your pillowcase in the evening then put It on your pillow before bed or leave a Towel in the freezer that you can wear Around your neck or lay on your pillow At bedtime 7. sleep in loose clothing And use bedding made with breathable Materials like cotton or tinsel a Cooling mattress pad that doesn't trap In heat can also keep your bed's Temperature down and if you share a bed With a partner leave enough space Between you for airflow along with these Tips good sleep hygiene like going to Bed at the same time every night Avoiding caffeine an alcohol before bed And keeping a dark quiet bedroom will All help you keep a consistent core Temperature and get quality sleep so Remember for your best sleep get your Room temperature between 60 and 67 Degrees or try at least cool yourself Down before you go to bed if you're a Hot sleeper try some of the tips we Mentioned or speak with your doctor About why your temperature may be Spiking at night and for more advice on Finding a temperature that's just right Check out our page on the best Temperature for sleep or our video here On how to create a cool bedroom Environment thanks for watching everyone Sleep well