Do you fall asleep with the TV on?

Do you fall asleep with the TV on?

#sleep #sleepbetter #statistics #sleeping #sleeptips

What percentage of people watch TV Before bed 45% close 53% Oh I thought it Would be higher yeah do you fall asleep With the TV on no oh I will I My Eyes Are Open if the TV is on I'm awake I Will be awake the entire night okay yeah But I'm good about if I start to fall Asleep I will turn it off yeah yeah yeah Yeah what program would put you to sleep Lacy um like a nature show okay no but I Was watching a nature show the other day Was Predators dude they are insane I Will stay awake if it's on TV I'm going To stay awake yeah I I think so too I Can't watch I can't fall sleepy TV too Much blue light maybe a cartoon cuz I Don't care maybe that but cartoons are Like crack there's a lot happening