how to drink hella coffee and still get AMAZING sleep

how to drink hella coffee and still get AMAZING sleep

What if we told you that good coffee and good sleep could co-exist? We often think we should avoid caffeine if we really want to sleep better. But the reality is a little more complicated. Tom walks through three things you can do to both enjoy your coffee each day and still get quality sleep at night. Then, he leaves you with some tips for getting the most out of your daily coffee. ☕️

#coffee #caffeine #caffeineaddict

In honor of National Coffee Day here are Some tips on how to drink your coffee And still get quality sleep first when You wake up start with a glass of water And then wait 90 minutes before you Drink your first cup I know trust me Though science says second limit Yourself to no more than 400 Mig of Caffeine per day anything beyond that is Just diminishing returns and finally try To have your final cup no later than 2 P.m. caffeine has a halflife of about 6 Hours so you need time for it to wear Off for more tips on getting great sleep While still enjoying your coffee check Out our full VI