How To Fall Asleep FAST!

How To Fall Asleep FAST!

#sleepbetter #howto #sleeptips #phone

Do you need help falling asleep fast Check out these quick tips number one Put your phone away I mean after you Watch this but that blue light from your Screen ain't great for your sleep number Two block out light and noise use an eye Mask if you have one try a white noise Machine if you have one of those as well Number three breathe try some structured Breathing techniques to slow your heart And your mind number four skip the night Gap alcohol is great at putting you to Sleep but it's terrible for your sleep Number five mind your caffeine try to Cut off coffee or other caffeine around 1:00 p.m. so it has time to exit your System number six get some exercise Daily movement for about 15 to 30 Minutes can both relieve stress and Boost deep sleep for more tips on how to Fall seep fast check out the link below