If you want to cure depression, you need to make THIS a habit

If you want to cure depression, you need to make THIS a habit

#sleep #sleepbetter #depression #insomnia #insomniarelief #depressionrelief

Depression is a complex mood disorder But what if I told you it's not how much You're sleeping but how you're sleeping That's the key it's true depression and Sleep have a troubled relationship when You're depressed you either sleep too Much or have trouble sleeping at all and It turns out the best thing you can do Is restrict your sleep restricting your Sleep schedule to just the 7 to 9 hour Window in which you need to sleep Increases your sleep drive and helps you Develop consistency which we know is Very important to sleep and yeah that Means no naps too no matter how much You'd like to just check out for a while If you want to know more about how sleep And depression are linked then check out Our full video right here