Scale of 1 to 10, How Tired Are College Students?

Scale of 1 to 10, How Tired Are College Students?

#sleep #health #sleepbetter #fallasleepfast #melatonin #sleepaid #college

On a scale of 1 to 10 how tired are you One being you're good 10 being you could Fall asleep right now probably a three Have you always been that way no I don't Think so I used to kind of push it and I Used to work in my room I don't work in My room anymore but now I'm like sleep Is as important as school cuz they will Both suffer if you don't time them Appropriately okay so do you have a Bedtime then I try to between 10:30 and 11 do you have a bedtime routine usually Leave an Audi book going and then wash My face like get all cozy go to bed do You spend a lot of time scrolling on Your phone before sleep I try not to yes Or no Colleen that would be a yes A yes Do you take any sleep supplements like Melatonin or anything like that no I Don't I haven't tried don't you there's Not going back