The Suprising History of Daylight Savings Time #shorts

The Suprising History of Daylight Savings Time #shorts

#daylightsavings #history #bettersleep

So that first week in November most of Us are going to fall back to Standard Time but why do we do this during World War One the Germans enacted DST as an Energy-saving measure and the Americans Followed suit in 1918 only to repeal it One year later we reinstated DST around World War II and then standardized time Changes in 1966. now the point of all of This of course was to save energy but Look a 2017 study found that overall DST Reduced energy consumption by one-third Of one percent that's it and in some Places around the world switching to DST Actually requires more energy so yeah we Might gain an hour of sleep that first Week in November but why are we still Doing this for more tips on getting your Best sleep during these time changes Visit