
What Causes Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

What Causes Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

#chronicfatiguesyndrome #sleep #doctor #health Chronic fatigue syndrome is debilitating Physical and mental fatigue that endures For 6 months or more some think it could Be the result of an infection there's Also research being done into whether CFS is caused…

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The SHOCKING truth behind showering before bed

The SHOCKING truth behind showering before bed

#sleep #statistics #stats Your daily dose of sleep statistics! What percentage of adults shower in the Morning versus the evening or not at all I'm going to say 68% flip it around 40% really versus Evening or not at all…

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Nobody is talking about their bedroom door!

Nobody is talking about their bedroom door!

#sleep #statistics #stats Your daily dose of sleep statistics! What percentage of people sleep with Their bedroom door open the 15 39% oh Sleep with your bedroom door open which Means what 61% sleep with it Closed I don't really…

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